Look, I know this is short, and almost unillustrated, but it was VERY near the start of the project (with the 7 to be precise) and I did not really believe that we would still be blogging and I should need to be writing anything about it. So apologies, especially to Linda,who always does a thorough job!
6 April 2009
It was a rather smart double decker which was to take us to South Kensington, a journey of greater social that physical distance
Putney Heath was very leafy, with attractive former council properties, and many mini roundabouts. Along the Upper Richmond Road we passed the place where Captain Lawrence Oates lived (not a genuine Blue Plaque, because it’s not the original house). I suppose his famous and heroic phrase as he stepped out into the Antarctic blizzard ‘I may be some time’ could be seen as a motto for these bus trips. We turned left to cross the river via Putney Bridge and along Fulham Palace Road. Both Fulham Palace and the Cemetery opposite were looking beautiful, and the we headed up the long expanse of the Fulham Road, then Fulham High Street. We passed the Temperance Pub: if you think it an odd name, so did we, and it turns out that it was once a temperance hall, where the most dissipated thing patrons could do was play billiards.
We were making really rapid progress, and zoomed round the often slow area of Earls Court, to reach South Kensington Tube Station by 14.45. The street works around there, which we were seeing for the fist time, had just started.
The last photo is interesting since the area no longer looks that way. It's now a pedestrianised street and the end of the route is just around the corner.