A really cold, grey and generally nasty day found Linda and me at Erith Station, looking for bus stop H, which we found after some minutes. We took shelter in Sam's 99p shop until the bus arrived, slightly late, and climbed aboard at 10.35. About 10 passengers boarded with us, so the little, one door single decker bus felt quite full.

Our driver (until our second visit to Bexleyheath Clock Tower, when he changed) liked a speedy run, interspersed with stops to get back to the timetable. This made some of the traffic calming bumps of the area rather more unsettling than usual.
Anyway, we came out of Erith past the sea life (I'm not sure if it is a fish or a mammal, so am hedging bets) on the roundabout, and headed uphill into residential streets, many bungalows but also some substantial houses. As so often, we noted that there were no shops, ensuring that people use the bus for their necessities. Also, as so often, we saw more hardened than gardened front gardens, as well as some with very imposing fences and gates.
We admired the same delicatessen and bakery as last week; the speed of our bus meant that again we could not get a photo of the bakery!
The Prince Albert Pub advertised a Victorian Restaurant. Linda speculated that it might serve gruel, but it's clear that it is the decor and not the food which is Victorian. We saw a splendid window cleaner using an extended pole to clean third floor windows: safer than a ladder, and presumably could be used for fishing at the weekend.
We noticed we were crossing the River Cray when we saw a former mill, now converted into flats, and we came out of Bexley into rough open land, with some ponies grazing. We were travelling along St Mary's Road, named for the handsome parish church, and thought St Mary's Nursery might be evidence that Kent needs to build a School in Joyden's Wood. But it proved to be the other kind of nursery, offering compost rather than child care.
We were back into residential areas with no shops, after the brief visit to Bexley village, and as we wiggled through the street of Joyden's Wood we admired some fine heathers in a front garden.
As we headed back up Gravel Hill, we saw signs to the Shuttle River Way, which follows the course of the River Shuttle, a tributary of the Cray which is itself a tributary of the Thames.
Approaching Bexleyheath from this direction means that there is no diversion, and we arrived at the Clocktower at 11.40, where again many passengers got off, and others got on. We rode the bus as far as the station.
I suppose, inevitably, this Bexleyheath bus was too much like last week's to be really exciting, but it did give us a bit of a spin into Kent and back again.
Great Post! You put a lot of effort into these posts. I hope you can finish all routes end to end well!
ReplyDeleteA fantastic post and I hope all the best like LondonBuses72
ReplyDeleteThis bus should carry adverts for Marmite.
ReplyDeleteYou will get to my local route soon. My local route is the E2.
ReplyDeleteHi ladies. Enjoyable as ever. Thanks for your plug for my website (red-RF.com) at route 408. If you'd care to drop me an email to RF@red-RF.com, I'd like to share an idea or two.
ReplyDeleteParagraph 4 - the 'sea life' are pikes. The coat of arms of the old Erith Borough Council contained three pikes which were on the coat of arms of the De Luci family. Richard De Luci was Justiciar of England in the time of Henry II; he was a generous donor to Lesnes Abbey (in the extreme west of the old borough), where he died.