Mansion House Drive
Stanmore Middlesex
Friday October 13th
Linda arrived late for
her rendezvous with Jo at Stanmore Station having forgotten that while the
Jubilee Line is both fast and frequent Stanmore is still at the end of the line
and therefore takes a while. Also you need to wait for the (infamous) 142 bus route, which did come after a bearable wait, on what
was a mellow October day.
After chugging uphill
quite slowly we were pleased to spot some reassuring brown signs for the Museum
thus ensuring we did not walk in the wrong direction, a step we are apt to make…
Almost immediately on turning right you come to a dual (car and pedestrian)
gate and an operative springs out of a slightly upmarket sentry box to ask your
business – as museum visitors you are directed to go left at the roundabout.
A bit of historical
context is required – indeed there was once an Augustinian priory here once, founded
probably circa 1170, which went the way
of most monasteries in England come Henry VIII’s dissolution. Apparently it was
offered to Archbishop Cranmer who swapped it for some land in Wimbledon, and
various different entitled families lived here for the next two centuries. In
1788 the 9th Earl of Abercorn decided on a refit and engaged the
already famous (Sir) John Soane to redesign his home, and a great job he made of it.

RAF admin. remained
till 2008 (by now Fighter and Bomber commands had joined to become Strike
Command) but by then the site was neither in a good state nor accessible to the
public. Cue Barratts the builders,
themselves tainted somewhat by their association with a certain Prime Minister,
who developed the site as essentially a large gated community with lots of
communal green space and restricted and refined housing, while also making a £6
million contribution towards the setting
up of the Museum which opened in 2015.
Apologies for the
lengthy lead-in, but both externally – gleaming and clean sandstone, restored
and landscaped gardens – and internally the fabric of the house and the museum
installation demonstrate hefty financial but thoughtful investment. Staffed, we
suspected, largely by volunteers you are handed a laminate guide to the order
of visit. Some of the earlier rooms and corridors are a bit like a rabbit
warren and there are lots of competent but not very exciting water colours of aeroplanes
and airfields various interspersed with photos. There are also separate
tributes to both the Observer Corps and the Radar Section, set up in 1936
essentially as military research.
The ground floor trail
then leads into a room set up with desks and
period phones – each open drawer contains an appropriate display be it
orders for the day, memos to the cabinet or headlines from the newspapers of
the day. As becomes obvious as you learn more about Air Vice Marshal Dowding, he
made clear to Churchill in several crisp memos (oh, I do love a historic typed
memo, now completely superseded by email) that any impending war needed a
strong air defence and attack system, and hence his appointment pretty much
near the end of his career to head up Fighter Command at Bentley Priory.
There are some
tracking charts displayed (more of this later) including one of Hess’s flight
into Scotland in an abortive attempt (unknown to Hitler) to make peace. He was
of course captured and lived on for a very long time in different places of
captivity including, briefly, the Tower of London.
The museum offers a
short film unusual in that it is not the standard-issue composite of newsreel
clips and heroic commentary (though we do get Chamberlain announcing war) but in fact a kind of 3D video projection/reconstruction as you
look into Dowding’s office and see him
and hear him in his own words – actually quite effective.
From there you enter
the grand hall and even grander staircase hung with Honours boards, squadron
shields and a lace banner, a gift from Nottingham. Interestingly we had seen
the same lace panel in the Croydon Museum leading me to wonder whether they had
been ‘mass-produced’ ?
At this point you are
offered a respite from aerial warfare, namely a glimpse into Dowager Queen Adelaide’s
very finely restored room which comes across as a haven of femininity with its
chaise longue and gracious tea cups.
To be fair the Museum
has included very many personal testaments of serving WAAFS who must have been
very busy typing and telephoning on a 24 hour basis through the war.
From the hall you step
into the Rotunda which is one of Soane’s masterpieces (‘better than his dusty dark house,’ said Jo, who had
really not enjoyed our experience there) with light through the dome
illuminating what is essentially a tribute to the pilots who did not make it
either during the actual Battle of Britain or thereafter. For each biography
there are medals and artefacts – a log book here or a cap there. In the centre
are medals and badges with their individual citations and explanations; for
e.g. a small caterpillar badge meant you had ‘bailed out courtesy of your silk
parachute’ a fact probably known to those of you who read all those Biggles
type books…
The trail then goes
into what is arguably the most interesting room, called by Dowding ‘The Filter
Room’ where a combination of reports from observers with radar results were
carefully plotted on a grid system overlaying the coastline of East and
Southern UK to show where alien aircraft
were coming from and heading to so that the information could be collated
/filtered and evaluated and appropriate
orders could be sent on to the various airfields to ‘scramble’ and hopefully
intercept the invading planes. What is clear is that Dowding devised and
perfected this system so that the comparatively few planes and trained fighters
he had could be used in the most focussed and effective way, and as we know it
held off an invasion.
It is effectively an
air traffic control approach without benefit of computers or other
The last room has a
smaller model of the actual filter room – there is also a gallery where the
higher ranks sat presumably to set priorities. You can also sit in the mocked
up cockpit of a Spitfire, which is indeed a small and thus manoeuvrable
Back out in the hall
you are allowed to climb the stairs but not penetrate to the rooms beyond, and
are also
encouraged to go down a level. Away from the windows are more pictures
including many caricatures of the serving officers and a more detailed life of
Dowding. We had rather had our fill of the great man so moved swiftly through
his Scottish childhood, education at Winchester and career in the Army both in
the far East and the First World War where his observations of his superiors
fighting with old fashioned methods including the cavalry made him embrace and
promote newer technology including learning to fly, and the rest you already
The café opens out onto
the Terrace of the house with beautifully restored terrazzo flooring and a view
over the gardens and £4m houses built up on the slopes.
This is essentially a
one trick pony – a museum built on the career and achievements of a single man but with substantial tributes to crews of
young pilots. By all accounts Dowding
was not an easy man but he did care about his men and ensured they had adequate
‘free time’ on their bases between operations. The staff here must have worked
hard at times of crisis and the quality of the restoration and presentation of
the material pays full tribute to all the men and women who participated in the
Battle of Britain in certainly one of the most lovely and peaceful settings of
the various military/war museums we have visited.
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