Kingston University
67 Kingston Vale
SW15 3RN
67 Kingston Vale
SW15 3RN
Thursday June 1 2017
To say we had difficulty in finding this museum would be something
of an understatement – true we were not meticulous in our research but between
a minute on the phone Google Map and a memory of a Kingston Vale address c/o of
the University we started the more epic bit of our journey at Putney station.
The Route 85 heading to Kingston was familiar enough and we thought Kingston
Vale began just after the huge ASDA store (where the buses all take a little
turn) so rode one stop beyond – sure enough there was a sign for Kingston
University Campus so we entered a rather inauspicious entrance (‘looks like
where the dustbins go’ we said) and found a couple of students working on an
…….airplane…. this must be the Engineering faculty we said – indeed. Admittedly
they had not heard of Dorich House but were totally charming and helpful and
suggested we got back on the bus and rode up Kingston Hill to the next chunk of
the Kingston Campus. (Even the University’s own maps appear a bit uncertain
about what is Hill and what Vale…) Another
bus stop, another wait, another 85 and some minutes later we got off at another
chunk of Campus .This looked more promising with a range of buildings nestling
in the woods and a choice of paths. Who knows, there might have been a house
too? We headed for the Reception where they were – again – very receptive and
helpful, informing us that Dorich House was stand alone on the opposite side of
Kingston Hill and even directed us to the stop for the free University Bus
which was just about due.
It was of course only one stop so off we got again and finally saw
the entrance to the museum – there is both a sloped and stepped approach as the
house has been built in a dip away from the main road – and you then wander
through the garden to the front door, where today we had to ring the doorbell
to gain entrance. No brown ‘attraction’
signposts at all – apparently the authorities will not put up signs for places
that do not get enough visits. The slight fault in logic here does not seem to
have occurred to them…
Once finally inside you are offered a short film as introduction but are
then pretty much free to roam, and today we seemed to be the only visitors.
Slippers placed inside the entrance were there ‘to add atmosphere’ though I
thought they might be needed to save the very beautiful wooden polished floors.
There are three strands to this visit – the life of the now all but
forgotten Dora Gordine, her work and the remarkable house.
Dora was born at the end of 19th century in Latvia and moved
with her middle class Jewish family to Tallinn, Estonia, then all parts of the Russian
Empire/USSR. Already sensitive to her Jewish heritage (and its unpopularity in
her country) she changed her name to Gordine when she went to Paris to study
and ‘mingle’ with other artists during the 1930s. Her work started getting
attention. Most who met her assumed she
was a Russian émigrée escaping the Bolsheviks and she rarely disabused them. On
a study trip to England she was picked up, literally as stranded penniless at
Victoria station, by an artistic London ‘set’ and exhibited works here also.
She met and married a Doctor who was a medic to the Royal Family in Java and
went out East with him. The marriage was not a success but the travels and the
destination clearly inspired her and there are many examples of fine Eastern
heads that she both sketched and cast. By 1935 she was back in London and after
her divorce soon married the Hon. Richard Hare, a student of Russian language
and culture, and well-off diplomat. He had already invested in the purchase of some land off Kingston
Hill and between them they designed and had built Dorich House (the title a
combination of their first names: this must have been very popular just pre and
post war – I can remember delivering Christmas post to a range of houses with similar
concocted/composite names).
The couple lived there very happily for many years with Dora continuing
to work and some significant public sculpture commissions coming in. Their
togetherness is immortalized in a photo of them cleaning the house post war (when there was a shortage
of ‘help’ available) with Dora and her duster and Richard using the floor
polisher – no “boys’ and girls’ jobs” there.
Richard died in 1966 and Dora never really recovered – she remained
living at Dorich until her own death in 1991. From the photos on display the house was in
some disarray and disrepair until taken over and splendidly restored under the
aegis of Kingston University. The links with the University remain and the
curator we met today has a joint post between university education and the
Though at first approach the house looks rather too tall and austere in
fact it works very well from the inside where the light floods in, especially
from the back. Nor is the house actually that roomy or multi-layered – it’s
more that the height is devoted to giving Dora two very tall studios – the one
on the ground floor for plaster work, and the one on the second floor for modelling
and now display of the completed bronzes. Dora’s preferred method, learnt in Paris
and perfected here, was to use the ‘cire perdue’ or lost wax method of casting,
the intricacies of which you are welcome to follow up!
Back to the ground floor where the ‘plaster studio’ contains the models
for completed works to be seen elsewhere in the house. There is also a short
and informative film about Dora’s life and her work including some vintage
footage. We were not sure whether the ‘voiceover’ was actually her – sounding very
Russian and ‘artistic’ with her emphasis on ‘creation’. She did lay much store
on capturing the souls of her sitters and this this is evident when you come to
look at them. Less endearing was her trademark ‘kiss curl’ plastered over left
cheek, which she never shed even when it was no longer fashionable.

Another haul upstairs brings you to the flat where Dora and Richard
lived and the sitting room, dining room and smaller ? breakfast room all
contain very beautiful fitting furniture and some storage.The sliding doors within a 'moon frame' are very beautiful. There
are also numerous display cabinets, mostly devoted to Richard’s Russian artefacts – a wall
of excellent icons and some intricately decorated but not very appealing porcelain, a table top
model of a troika and various historic prints.
These rooms are still generous though not overly high but they also have
a further flight of stairs leading to the roof terrace which covers most of the
house’s span. From here the views are even better and clearly Richard &
Dora had planned this space for both sun and rain.
The bulk of Dora’s work is displayed on the middle or studio level and
covers the full spectrum of her output. We particularly liked her work from the
Far East with Javanese Dancer, Chinese Head and so on reflecting a real talent
and interest in her subjects who come across as uniformly assertive. The studio
also includes preliminary sketches for the bigger (and sometimes commissioned)
Because of the circles she moved following the marriage to Richard there
are also pictures and maquettes of actors and ballet dancers of her day.
Intriguing is the head she did for ‘Eugene waves’ (a type of perm) for
an early post war ideal Home Exhibition. ‘Power’ (Commissioned by Esso for their
Milford Haven refinery), was a little bit ‘Stalinist’ for my taste with the man’s torso
resplendent but definitely more human and tender than the Russian
equivalents. Very appealing was her work for the Royal Marsden Hospital of
mother and child. Dora’s was not work we had ever known and we appreciated both
her skill, the underlying humanity of her subjects and the fact she was a rare
woman working in the medium of sculpture – doubtless some of her work might
appear dated alongside the more adventurous interpretations of a Barbara Hepworth or Giacometti but this should not detract from
We were pleased to have finally made the visit to experience a life, a
work and a house so intricately bound up and open to the public.
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