Thursday 3 December 2015 After our second visit to the fabulous Lee Miller photographs, about which Linda will write soon, we returned to have another look at 'Fighting Extremes', not least because we felt we had rather concentrated on the Ebola side of the room, rather than on Operation Shader. This small exhibition had been pushed into sharper focus by last night's vote in the House of Commons. One of the aims of Shader was to 'build partner capacity' and it seemed to us telling that there too, they were looking to the Kurds for help on the ground. What Turkey will say and do when, the conflict is over and the Syrian part of Kurdistan is successfully taken was not discussed last night. Presumably the Kurds will then move on to the third tranche of what they perceive to be their ancestral homeland, which is, of course, part of Turkey. There were some interesting exhibits, including a pair of army boots with the soles embellished with the names of the various towns where the extremists have been attacked. As with the Ebola side of the room, we were able to watch interesting videos of military and other personnel talking about their complex, overlapping and different jobs. And there were pictures of the contribution of British Forces to the Coalition struggle. These included intelligence gathering aircraft and the training of the local forces in such lethal tasks as mine removal. It struck us that this was a reminder of one of the more recent Princesses of Wales' charities, as well as a reminder of how long the impact of war will last after any victory is declared.
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