We thought we should start with a fairly straightforward museum, just to see how it went, and so headed to St Martin’s Place WC2H 0HE and the National Portrait Gallery.
Linda did some research, which I share with you here:
As befits its founding fathers (Macauley, Stanhope and Carlyle) the NPG feels somewhat like
walking into a history textbook, or occasionally like turning over your school
set texts and recognising ‘that' portrait of Byron or the Brontes. Founded in 1856 to immortalise the’
great and the good - who were to have been 10 years dead - it arrived at its present
building (tucked behind the
National Gallery) after some years of wandering about ( South Kensington and Bethnal
Green amongst other ‘temporary homes) opening in 1896, its architects not living to see the day. The
building replaced St Martin’s Workhouse.
I arrived by bike while Linda came by 63, then 176 over the river, walking the last bit as the bus bogged down in the Strand and we started our exploration at 10.30.

We also enjoyed Lady Dacre, looking very motherly with her son Gregory Fiennes.
Heading on downstairs, we came to the appeal to save the Van Dyck self portrait. I feel it would be interesting to know who owns it and wants to sell it abroad. Then we moved smoothly on to a lot of politicians, and a splendid room of heroic chaps: Kitchener with Khartoum behind him; Baden Powell; Antarctic Scott and so on. According to the captioning, Kitchener designed (or knitted) a better way of making socks for squaddies, known as the Kitchener Stitch.

The ten years dead rule has long been relaxed, so that we could enjoy portraits of the young royals and their contemporaries.
Although we had agreed not to look at special exhibitions, we did have a quick nip round the First World War portraits, and shall go back for a proper look outside the parameters of the project.
What can we say? a splendid collection of faces, and well worth a visit: conveniently open late on Thursdays and Fridays, if you happen to arrive early for your theatre or cinema nearby.
PS The shop is accessible from the street and has a large
postcard collection (though none that either of us wanted this time) some London books and
guides, and a few ear-rings not very obviously based on anything from the
comparatively few female portraits.
The toilets are glazed in grey brick tiles with a trendy trough sink and
2 Dysons. We didn’t try the restaurant but know it has a fabulous view whereas
the downstairs café is a bit cramped.
I followed your tour-de-force of travelling on every London bus route with much interest over several years from here in Devon, and thought when it came to an end that was it - no more sharing of your experiences. But no! - now a new challenge which will prove really interesting for those not in the metropolis, and hopefully flag up places to visit on the occasional visit. Thanks for all the entertainment over the years, and enjoy your museum visits!
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that you're including the "amenities" in your reports ... they are not often mentioned in reviews but are often the most interesting (or problematic|) aspect of visiting a place