Thursday 26 September 2013
Coming out of the hospital grounds, we turned right and then right again, the first of many wiggles on this 40 minute journey through some of the residential areas of outer London. We passed the British Queen Pub, which was closed and shuttered, but I can’t find out when it collapsed or what is planned for it. Happily, we did pass other much healthier looking pubs.
As usual, we admired Bromley’s municipal planting as we headed onto the main road, and then off it again at Tubbenden Lane. We took a turn through the estate here before returning to Tubbenden Lane, noting that this bus provides a pretty useful service to residents wanting to get into Orpington or, well, anywhere really. The driver was patient, waiting for elderly passengers to secure themselves before setting off from each ‘hail and ride’ point. We were passing many bungalows, mostly with hardened front gardens. Mary wondered where everyone was, since the place seemed empty except for the people getting onto and off the bus.
Before long we were into Orpington, and admiring the rather fine bike racks in the High Street near the Walnut Shopping Centre. While there are a number of shuttered shops, and several charity shops, we felt that on the whole the High Street looked OK, the more surprising since there is that huge supermarket with the flats above it on the way to the station. This is not the first time we have passed the stalled building site that was to have been Churchill Retirement Homes before the council turned them down. We know that the application went to appeal 12 months ago, but clearly these things take time….

Now we came under the railway viaduct at St Mary Cray, and travelled alongside the River Cray for a while. The street was named ‘Mill Brook Road’, a reminder that rivers were put to use in more ways than one before they became little more than recreational facilities.
Along Main Road, we passed some new build housing going up, with impressive numbers of solar panels on their roofs.
Thanks for mentioning the Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade