Golders Green Station to Finchley Top End Circular Route
Thursday May 16th 2013
Red writing on the bus maps, we learnt as we reached the higher numbers, means select and infrequent service so we had to time our arrival for the once an hour departure (mid-day only) that characterizes this route. This would also be our last departure from Golders Green Bus Station.
Like its companion bus this was a small vehicle (too small to be taken from its mother, we thought). Bravely it circles the clock tower war memorial (‘Justice Honour Loyalty Courage’ being the key words) and then started its journey up Hoop Lane, doubtless to offer transport for folk headed either to the Jewish cemetery or the crematorium. Three of my four fourbears (or do I mean forebares?) are buried on the left hand side and I’ve been to several cremations on the right hand side; the red brick is quite startling and also forbidding but actually quite harmonious. It was the first purpose built crematorium and thus set the model for many to follow. In comparison the Jewish cemetery is rather flat and a bit featureless with plots at a huge premium.
Enough with death and disposal and back to Hampstead Garden Suburb – we are most grateful for the comment informing us that garden hedges have to be retained as we certainly enjoyed the greenery today. Unlike its companion route the H2, once we had come past the wisteria-laden roundabout at Meadway we headed off uphill along Hampstead Way * and what is effectively the Heath Extension. (Meadway is the answer to another obscure question - its first three letters being the original pre-numbers only dialling code for this area.) Given today's trip perhaps they (BT's predecessors) should have gone for WISteria as a possible code.
Unlike the H2 this route strays out of post code NW11 and
into both NW3 and N2 to merge the other side of the busy trunk routes at East
Finchley Station complete with its lone rooftop archer (not to be confused with
a lone assailant assassin) and renowned Phoenix Cinema currently running, it must be said, a rather
mainstream choice of film. We briefly
shared the road with a couple of other bus routes before peeking off into the
unknown (for us) territory of East Finchley’s hinterland. The other landmark to
be spotted from the bus is the Bobath centre, offering physiotherapy
particularly for those people with cerebral palsy. After the ‘dry’ stretch that marks out Hampstead Garden Suburb as
an alcohol free zone (presumably also part of Dame Henrietta Barnet’s vision of
ideal living) the ‘Five Bells’ pub with its flaming orange frontage could have
been more attractive. I cannot
actually establish that her town planning was as explicit as that but as a
woman who set out to rescue young women from prostitution (and put them into
service) she would surely have advocated gardening over drinking as a pursuit?
As we reached Hill Top the bus indicator board briefly
flashed up the message, ‘Hesitation Point’, which proves not to be a postal
street, but in fact the driver pauses briefly before turning
around and heading back. So back we
went – through East Finchley, across the A1 (easier than you might think) back
along the Bishops Avenue, past Kenwood and – this time more poised to photograph
– the Heath Extension and entrance to the Jewish Cemetery.
The H3 is a little more daring than the H2, branching out
beyond NW11, and on a late spring day we really appreciated the greenery that
characterizes much of the area. It all looked so respectable that it seemed
difficult to imagine that I had passed some of my not very mis-spent youth
trolling its streets for likely parties to gate-crash, and sometimes getting
lucky… Today it passengers were few and the round trip achieved in the 53
minutes promised – our guess being that the odd minute covered the 'hesitation'.

In theory a route which gets you from one branch of the Northern Line to the other without going back to Camden should be useful, however at 5 buses a day total perhaps not?
I think you may be confusing Hampstead Way with Hampstead Lane in parts of this post. I believe much of Golders Green was dry because the land had been owned by the Church Commissioners, who put a restrictive covenant on its use.
ReplyDeleteThanks indeed - have now corrected the error.
ReplyDeleteHaving grown up in Golders Green we were always aware that there were no pubs on GG High Road as the 'church did not want us to drink', as you say.
However Hampstead Garden Suburb seems likewise short on pubs (and shops) so we wondered if there were any similar edicts in place??