North Sheen (Manor Circus) but actually Church Road Richmond
to Kingston
(Kingston Hall Road) (Pss, we break out west from Essex for one week...)
Thursday May 3rd 2012
This route came third in a 3 bus day which felt more like a
6 bus day possibly because Jo was brewing a fine cold, we had been chucked off
our second route twice, and in spite of the date it felt as cold and damp as
November. The trees and blossom were cheering but hard to capture. We left the
despised 391 at Richmond Bus station with the intention of walking back to North
Sheen, and must have been about halfway there when a 371 appeared from behind
which confused us no end. After much consultation with the bus map and head
scratching we decided the route must have changed and headed for the next stop
in Church Road, where we boarded a well populated 371. Later research shows we
actually got on at Stop 9, which is in direct breach of rules but we needed
some warmth and comfort. We did pay the price by not getting good enough seats
for much photography.

In spring this should be a delightful route passing as it
does by some of Richmond’s more gracious properties, most of which had ancient
and well-tended wisterias to admire.
However the driver was taking these narrow residential streets at quite
a lick so all we spotted was the gate of
Richmond University,
surely a private and very privileged institution? St Elizabeth, mother to John the Baptist, has a small RC school
named for her. Jo was in a mood for testing me on bits of the New Testament
which I only manage to pick up through art and the buses.
Somewhat to our surprise, as we had no idea that we had
climbed, we were suddenly on Richmond Hill and passing the front door of the
Star and Garter home, here since 1919 and
caring for ex-servicemen. It dominates the skyline and is very visible from
walking the Thames path. The charity’s website indicates they may be moving out
next year so what next for this plot?
From here the ‘down’ was very noticeable and again speedy as
we passed in quick succession Ham Common, the Dysart Arms, now just
the Dysart and not just offering ‘pub grub’ clearly where you have a drink when finishing the weekly match at the
Ham Polo Club. As they list helicopters on their website I don’t imagine many members
arrive via the 371!
Petersham Nursery is also now probably more famous for its
food than its fuchsias or foxgloves. Affluence is again visible in the fact
that most properties are walled rather than merely having fences or hedges, but
from a single decker sadly we could not peer over. Ham Street leads to the
National Trust Property
Ham House.
Preservation fears and heavy use of blinds mean the inside is quite dark but
there are some fine textiles and the gardens, as you might expect, are lovely.
There is a later side to Ham, we think a Sixties era
development of
sixties era development
inspired if not built Span homes grace the roads round Broughton Avenue. More
affordable tastes are catered for at the well-named
'Hansel & Pretzel'.
Tudor Drive and many of its associated side roads – Ann
Boleyn, Cardinal Wolsey – made us think of the Reformation so when I saw a shop
offering ‘indulgence’ I took it in its historical sense of buying a place in
heaven as opposed to being bodily pampered. Get a grip said my travelling
companion. Jo did manage to get the
school’s advice down :
‘Park your car a few streets away,
it will keep you fit and hazards at bay’ Not great poetry
but sound advice. I bet Ann Boleyn would have parked on the wavy lines.
On Queen’s Road the houses each had plasterwork beasts (as
in ‘The Queen’s Beasts’) but all still quite visible. Latchmere House is well
set back from the road as befits a former Youth Offending Institution, later
prison, subsequently decommissioned. Now what for this large site and property?
Not daunted we pushed on round Kingston (not much hybridding
here said Jo – we thought he was going too fast and relied on his diesel
engine) with Tiffins and the Lovekyn Chapel as markers. For some reason the 371
along with the 85 are not allowed to rest at either bus station but wait
patiently in Kingston Hall Road where we descended, the last passengers
standing so to speak, about 35 minutes after boarding We did pass the Hogsmill
and Clattern Bridge but took the photos on our walk back to the railway
station. Given that we had bent the rules once already on this route cheating
slightly on the photos seems a small indulgence (see what I did there?) in
A very pleasant way of getting from Richmond to Kingston if
you are not inclined to take the Thames Path …
Addendum or a route of two halves Thursday May 10th 2012
North Sheen (Manor Circus) to Queen’s Road
Feeling rather guilty about short-changing this route, and
as I happened to be in Richmond the following week, I rode from its start to
where we boarded in error. This 4-5 an hour single decker rests and starts from
a stop at the edge of the customer car park for Sainsbury’s, so not
surprisingly was used by non car-owning shoppers to get their loads home.
Talking of non car-owners, the length of the Mortlake Road which connects North
Sheen to Richmond has a most excellent cycle track sharing the pavement with
pedestrians and well screened off from the busy road, so I was sorry Jo was not
with me to coo. One side of this road has charming cottages probably built
about 1893, the date on the end one close to the Richmond Circus (I noticed
that Richmond had circuses rather than roundabouts but it comes to much the
same), while the opposite side is all glassy glossy office blocks frequently

Once past the second circus progress was slow, giving me
time to note that the Orange Tree theatre continues to thrive making Richmond a
two theatre venue. The Orange Tree is handsome in its Victorian Young’s Pub
while the theatre on the Green (not visible from the bus) is a well-maintained
Frank Matcham gem.
Back to Richmond, where we won and lost passengers past the
station and the several fairly upmarket shops. The bus swings back on itself
rounding the corner by Eton Street where they are building a food co-operative,
according to the poster, but that may be a front for, yes you have guessed it,
more offices.
The stretch of road from the corner to where the bus turns
off down the continuation of Queen’s Road is characterised by a series of
rather handsome Thirties developments – blocks face each other and the Christian
Science Reading Room, though squat, is quite impressive. Obviously pre-dating
this clutch of Thirties blocks are the
gracious Georgian and early Victorian homes for which Richmond is famous, many
of which this week were hung about by wisteria in full bloom. The Quinn hotel
brought me back to where we had started last week = route now completed end to
end and honour satisfied!