William Booth College,
Champion Park,
Camberwell, London SE5 8BQ
Thursday 21 April 2017
Firstly apologies for the break in service due to a
combination of health and holidays coming together with both bloggers otherwise
occupied, but we are now back in business though struggling with our remaining
museums – many of which have limited opening times or require visits by appointment
rather than just turning up…
Jo was nursing a
cold so Linda decided to visit the Salvation Army Heritage Centre which she had
not known existed ( not on the LIST you see) until she spotted the notice from
the bus – William Booth College lying on a couple of regularly used bus routes (185 and 176) and opposite Denmark Hill
station. Roger kindly took the photos, learning the lesson we had known for
some time that photography through glass does not work well…
Any similarity
between the College and Battersea Power station or Cambridge University Library is due to the
hand of the architect Giles Gilbert Scott, whose design this is. William Booth’s
son Bramwell had it built in his father’s memory and it opened on the centenary of his birth. We were told you could visit it in more detail
during London’s Open House events but the bits we saw today – entrance hall, lift
and landing – were excellent examples of Twenties civic architecture. The
Museum is on the third floor adjacent to the Library and Archives.
Just inside the
museum is a ‘mutoscope’ (a flip book of
photos so not quite film) showing the Booth funeral.

As you might
expect, the Museum starts with a focus on William Booth, born 1829, and whose
observations of the Pawnbroking business made him aware of social injustice. He
was already a member of the Methodists (no surprise after our visit to John
Wesley’s Chapel) and on his move to London spent time along the Whitechapel
Road as an itinerant and very evangelical preacher initially for the Methodists
but eventually breaking away from that movement via the Reformed Methodists to
the start of The Christian Mission in 1865 which later came to be called the
Salvation Army. By this time William had met and married Catherine Mumford,
like himself originally from the East Midlands. Unusually for the time
Catherine was a preacher also and was very robust about the equal role of women
in the church; she was also good at fund raising amongst the richer of the
congregation while William preached to the poor. She had also brought with her
strong non-conformist views about the evils of drink so abstinence became one
of the tenets of the Salvation Army. Tea was always on offer.

Because of this the
early meetings and preachers met fierce opposition from the brewing industry in
particular and the exhibition has several displays devoted to the opposition ‘skeleton
army’ as it was known and posters for and against are shown. However
prosecutions for unlawful assembly proved unsuccessful.
Many of the
early meetings were outdoors but as time went on buildings were found – places of
worship generally known as ‘halls’.
Music plays a
large role for the Salvation Army and there is a significant area devoted to
the different instruments (they had their own factory which did not close until
1972) mainly brass of course as this is what sounds best out on the streets.
Originally they played the Methodist hymns, but soon developed a repertoire and
compositions of their own. Rather sweetly they had a 1960s guitar and vocal
group called The Joystrings, who had hits and appeared on Top of the Pops. They played in
uniform which looks very quaint now but even the early Beatles wore matching
suits and went through a pseudo military phase before ‘Give Peace a Chance’
took over..

For me the most
significant positive of the Salvation Army was their commitment and sometimes
pioneering approach to social work – yes it was very paternalistic and I’m sure
the homeless they took in hated being preached at to ‘take the pledge’ but
their approach was founded on good principles. William opined that no-one would be receptive to God on an empty
stomach and that philosophy has prevailed. They diversified into all aspects of
social work from Aids work to Family Finding and tracing.
At a very early point
in their working with different communities they recognised what was then known
as the 'White Slave Trade' (what we would now call Child Sexual
Exploitation) and two of the officers
were even prosecuted as they tried to expose to the government what was going
on by ‘purchasing ‘ a 12/13 year old from her mother…
This work
continues today as they offer help and support to victims of ‘modern slavery’ alongside continuing work with the Homeless.
In 1891 they bought Hadleigh Farm in Essex to offer ongoing employment to men
who had passed through their shelters, and this had both a dairy and a brickworks.
Today it has diversified into having a Rare Breeds centre and a venue for
mountain biking (? Essex?).
From social work
it was a small step to an emergency response role and the photographic display has numerous
examples of the Salvations Army’s presence at many of the key disasters of the last
century. Their role, which they also carried out during both world wars, was to
offer tea and support not only to the victims, but also to the emergency
services who can frequently suffer from the after effects of working in such
intense environments. Staff are trained
for such eventualities and though coming out of a mobile canteen they have
appropriate training and counselling skills.

Like most of the
evangelical religious groups the Salvation
Army sent missionaries abroad and the
movement is now established in over 120 countries worldwide – not surprisingly most
strongly in the ‘old dominions’ of Australia and New Zealand. I was pleased to
see that when they present at an overseas emergency the Salvation Army ‘uniform’
is reduced to a shield on a T-shirt for
hotter countries.Attempts were made to adapt to lcoal cultures - as in these Chinese fans..
Like many
longstanding voluntary organisations we often take their work for granted and
forget that it is grounded in a frim philosophy and belief and worship system. I
tend to think the quasi-military
set up of generals and captains sits rather
strangely with some of their work but is
I suppose well embedded in the institution which is the Salvation Army and
which this little neatly presented museum well explains.