The All England Lawn Tennis Club,
Church Road, Wimbledon,
London SW19 5AE.
March 16 2017
We had,
during last week’s trip to the Merton Heritage Museum, picked up a trail/walk
leaflet , called the Wimbledon Way which involved a short stroll (2km) through
Wimbledon’s heritage to the Lawn Tennis Museum.
As it was a
lovely spring day we decided to follow it and I shall take you through the
stages very briefly before we went underground into the Museum itself.
The trail
starts at the station, which is generously served by Underground, local and Thameslink services. The Stag
which stands outside the station is a reminder of Wimbledon’s woody connections
rather than local pub. The roads round the station are very busy with four way
traffic and the main shops and services of
Wimbledon including the pretty library, extended since 1887, and nearby
Bank Buildings similarly civic and redbrick in that familiar Victorian way.
Ely’s the local department store seems to survive, which is quite an
Leaving some of the bustle behind the trail leads uphill
passing large and imposing villas on both sides. Inevitably there was some WW2
bombing and there are more modern infills. Wimbledon High School has been
around for nearly 150 years with a range of buildings to match, but what is
interesting given how sloped it is is that this was the original site of the
All England Croquet & Tennis club.
At the top of the hill we were rather taken with the Toynbee Memorial, which is a water fountain erected in gratitude to Joseph Toynbee by the working men of Wimbledon . Amongst many campaigns which he supported was to save the
common as Earl Spencer was threatening to enclose it.
Wimbledon ‘village’ today is full of expensive and largely
independent outlets but originally, judging by the small size of the shops and
little cottages, must have been where the working men lived and presumably
where the women also went ‘into service’ in the nearby large houses which would
have needed plenty of servants to keep them going. You can spot these cottages
as you peer down the sides of Church Road which we followed to our destination.
Also on the crown of the hill are the now expanded Dog & Fox pub and the
very splendid old Fire Station with its very visible clock tower.
Church Road dips and twists downhill affording a good view
of the All England Lawn Tennis Club,
which we all know as Wimbledon.
The outside wall has wrought iron inlays depicting groups
of period and more modern tennis player silhouettes, which indicates how much
the establishment promotes and preserves its heritage, and to some extent its

There are two possible ways of visiting the site; either
you can book a whole guided tour which presumably takes you into the dressing
rooms and round the outer courts or, as we opted to do, simply visit the Museum
at half the cost – but this does include the opportunity to go into the Centre
Court which like Court 1 (currently having a removable roof fitted to be
finished by 2019) is only used for the two weeks a year when the Championships
take place. Wimbledon is of course the only one of the Grand Slam venues played
on grass. The walk underneath the stands is enlivened by wall posters of past
winners. Like every great sporting venue since the Colosseum in Rome (and their
many other arenas) the circular build with access from below to raked seats is
the standard and ideal construction. No lions here, muttered Jo as we peered
down a corridor, but we were not encouraged to roam so who knows? (meet by F
red Perry to do this bit)
Centre Court seats 15,000 people but the All England Lawn
Tennis Club only has 500 members – belonging is a similar process to getting
membership at Lord’s namely waiting a lifetime for a vacancy to become
available unless you are Championship winner… tickets for the June/July
championships are sold via a ballot .

Jo is not a tennis fan but did agree that the Museum was
beautifully laid out – it is entirely underground and artificially lit,
assuredly for conservation purposes, but again this made photography tricky. It
is also circular which makes keeping to a chronology and not missing stuff easy. I on the other hand admire a game which requires so much skill strength
and agility (yes I know all sports do) but you are also so self-reliant – there
is no-one else to blame for this the most individual and egocentric of sports,
and to watch a player rebounding from a
losing position is to watch some-one with huge determination, self-belief and
strength of mind. I think the Billie Jean quote, and there are many such from
different players is very apt: ‘Tennis is the perfect combination of violent
action taking place in an atmosphere of tranquility’.

Tennis seems to have evolved out of a variety of
predecessors including ‘Battledore & Shuttlecock’ real tennis and what the
French called ‘Jeu de Paume' which a bit like Pelota, was played by hand till some-one
thought about a racquet. The French, especially pre-revolution, were leaders in
this and the hangover is the number of French words – including Love coming
from l’oeuf (an egg). Outdoor tennis was sometimes combined with croquet – both requiring neatly manicured lawns, and people
to maintain them. Equally equipment to
play with and the leisure to participate
– all of which indicates a middle or upper class sport, which it has largely
One of the other attractions for the Victorians and Edwardians was the fact tennis
parties offered opportunities for meeting
the other sex and flirting – think of
John Betjeman’s ‘Joan Hunter Dunn' which epitomises the pre-war image of tennis.
There were championships and competitions before that of
course, both All England and International, and we enjoyed the posters
previewing the same. Tennis has also always been subject to fashion and style,
not only in the clothes but in souvenirs and artefacts and the two Art Deco
models are excellent examples of tennis invading the living spaces of the well
to do.
The Second World War put a longer break on tennis
evolution and here at Wimbledon the car parks were ploughed up for farming,
with the championships restarting in 1946. By 1967 professionals and amateurs
were playing side by side and nowadays with the intensity of training and
travelling it cannot be anything other than a professional sport though local
‘tennis clubs’ still exist.
The history up to this point has been largely documented
through some photographs and documents and snippets of real film alongside some
reconstructed scenes. The next section, which is far more interactive, looks at
the developing technology of the sport – how simple handmade wooden rackets
evolved into the highly technical weapons they are today – the same is true of
the tennis balls . As Wimbledon is
firmly grassy you do get to play with the ‘covers’, those ground sheets which
go on when ‘rain stops play’.
There are multiple choice questions about the role of the
ball boys and girls and even more key – the decisions of the umpire.
Q ‘Do you let players listen to their headphones during
the break?’
A. No. They might be getting instructions from their
There is also a machine for testing your reactions to
balls coming over the net – we cheated by playing doubles against another
visitor who then revealed he had used both hands, and of course we were way too
Round the bend was the section labelled ‘Mainly Whites’
which we originally took to be statement on the (lack of) diversity in tennis
but actually refers to the Wimbledon rules that what you wear must be ‘mainly
white’. There is the full range of clothes from full length Victorian dresses through
the frilly nylon era up to the modern more functional sportswear, and of course
there are examples to try on. Note the corset - essential wear!
From here on the museum experience becomes a multi- media
one with films running round the top, sound bites from famous players and many
examples of signed rackets/ and garments from specific matches or wins… all this to illustrate how tennis became a
celebrity sport complete with autograph hunters in the early days and
endorsements as time went on.
Most interesting to me was the hologram of John McEnroe analysing
the evolution of tennis play since his day. Somehow the tennis brat of the
Seventies and Eighties has become one of the game’s best and most succinct
commentators who also knows when to remain silent, and he summarised the
strengths and enduring talents of the game’s main players. I found watching tennis had become a lot less
attractive during the Pete Sampras era ( a one-trick gorilla was how I once
described him to my children who thought I was being unfair) but has blossomed
again since.
Finishing the tour you can gaze at the Championship Cup
and for the Ladies – the Plate. The exhibition also includes Kipling’s ‘If’
which is all about ‘holding your nerve’ something that gets played out time and
again on the green courts of Wimbledon.
As most of us are unlikely ever to get tickets to see a
live match a visit to the museum and almost certainly the tour will enhance
your enjoyment and is a must for any tennis fan – of which there are many given
the numbers attending today.