Library Centre,
95 High
NW10 2SF
December 8 2016
The one
thing this Museum lacked was a map showing us the boundaries that Brent has –
formed like all the other London Boroughs in 1965 it brought together bits of the
capital close to Kensington and Chelsea and Camden but also Harrow and
Barnet. At one point it must have
looked like leftover corners from its neighbours but surely it has developed its
own character, and as this Museum so clearly shows, its own history and

Willesden Green library is very striking, taking up a substantial corner site
on the High Road, which is used by a significant number of bus routes in spite
of its narrowness, so we were not on unfamiliar territory. Inside the library
there is light and space and quiet, though there was a storytelling session
taking place in the ground floor children’s section. A sweeping staircase takes
you to the Adult Library on the First Floor and (though we had to ask) the
Archives and Museum at the top. The broad and safety conscious-bannisters form
small display cases where memorabilia belonging to Willesden worthies or former
craftsmen are displayed but the purpose-built museum follows a more usual
chronological approach.
There is
an interactive display about the River Brent which sadly was not working: buses
apart this is one of the borough’s features we have also followed as it forms a
significant section of the Capital Ring Walk and in fact one of the most
beautiful. We were told that the name comes from a Celtic goddess named
Brigantia – she who eventually settled into being Britannia. If there were Roman and Saxon remains we
somehow missed them, as the focus was on following the development of the area
from one of largely agricultural and grazing lands to industry and commerce.

Street was a major Roman Road now the thoroughfare through Kilburn, and the
museum shows how important the Kilburn Priory was as a place of pilgrimage. Priory apart the land was productive for
farming of all sorts, though as urbanisation increased dairy farming became
more important. We did not note any key buildings or events from Tudor times.
St Andrew’s In Kingsbury is considered
to be the oldest building in Brent and even then you would have to ‘pick out’
the original bits from successive restorations – the picture here is from a
walk and not the Museum…
There are
artefacts from several small local dairies, who sometimes delivered up to three
times daily, but by the 19th century a Mr Titus Barham, in the way
of entrepreneurs, founded the Express Dairies, on the back of which he became
very rich. (When I was in Primary School in NW London (and this is going back
60 years) the playground factions divided pretty much between rival football
clubs Spurs or Arsenal but just below was whether you had your milk delivered
by the United Dairies (RED livery) or the Express Dairies (BLUE) (though a few
playground oddballs went with the Co-op in GREEN) which indicates how powerful
these brands became – but like many their day came and went.This
article maintains Titus Barham was the making of modern Brent !

major manufacturers included a brickworks large enough to make an impact on the local environment
with rows of houses – some large and imposing but also many for the ‘incoming’
railway workers; this mainly round the Kilburn area. While the menfolk were
engaged in industry the museum credits women with having laundry jobs, later
working for drapers and running haberdashery shops, with the appropriate ‘goods
for sale’ on display. Following the First World War house building expanded
prolifically with the spread of ‘Metroland’ – as the Museum shows there was no
shortage of railway lines through the area and housing followed stations. Metroland was a term coined by the promoters of the Metropolitan Railway and certainly spread out from the parts of
Brent such as Neasden, Sudbury and Wembley before heading into ‘the Shires’.
all these modest house owners needed to be fed and by the Twenties there was a
proliferation of factories – most of them still household names.
By the
Twenties and Thirties the canal road and rail connections round park Royal were
so good that many different manufacturers set up there: McVities originating from Scotland as you might expect
have long (since 1902) and continuing links with the Harlesden end of Brent and
for any biscuit lover the time-line is a must. If savoury is more your line
Heinz and Smith’s Crisps were here too. Also the famous architect Giles Gilbert
Scott built a brewery for Guinness, which
they only vacated in 2005. Park Royal is still a busy Trading Estate
encompassing both large brand names and smaller outlets – we criss-crossed it
many times on our bus journeys as it continues to offer employment.

expansion of industry and commerce is indivisible from the history of
immigration as the plentiful work available attracted and employed successive
waves of incomers. Brent is one of the most diverse boroughs in London and also
probably still has the largest number of Irish families, most of whom arrived
originally to fill labouring jobs. During the Fifties and Sixties the Caribbean
families came in significant numbers alongside those from Gujarat. When the
British passport holding Indians of East Africa were no longer welcome there
they came over from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These communities are now well
settled and more recent arrivals mirror those of the rest of London’s residents
and workforce. The Irish left their mark on the Kilburn/Cricklewood axis with
the Galtymore Ballroom and large convivial Irish pubs. In another part of the
borough closer to Wembley is the stand out structure of the BAPS Shri
Swaminarayan Mandir, described by Wikipedia as ‘Europe’s first traditional
Hindu stone temple’. The cases hold exhibits reflecting all these cultures.

the authorities had a sense of all this diversity or perhaps it was prescient
when they decided to hold the Empire Games in Wembley ( and
nearby White City ) in 1934. Brent’s legacy was of course Wembley Stadium, both the
original and the 2007-opened buildings being instantly recognisable. Both old
and new stadiums have hosted some memorable events including the original Live
Aid and even better attended the Pope’s Visit.

All this
industry and development is not to say that neither World war had an impact on
Brent. There are memorials to a local man winning a VC in the first World War,
and rather touchingly a librarian from this very resource who also died and has
his own plaque. Though not as heavily bombed as South London, Brent suffered
quite badly because of the industry, which did also include the Handley Page
works at Roe Green and de Havilland in Cricklewood. This did not stop the local
folk raising cash to buy a Spitfire plane, which went to a Polish Squadron;
this was obviously a national effort as we had seen similar contributions to
ships at both Tottenham and Waltham Forest borough archives.
where there was war damage those large high rise estates such as at Stonebridge
replaced the much needed housing and in turn became unpopular.
Archive has a generous space set aside at the end for special exhibitions and a
BBC trailer had alerted us to this one: The Grunwick Strike. This was extremely
well documented partly due to the fact that Special Branch had released their
papers from this era having played a significant if covert role.(They kept a list of every single poster and placard, which must have helped the exhibition curators!)
was a photo processing plant – in the era before every phone became a digital
camera people used to post their holiday snaps to be processed and about a week
later a pack of photos arrived back by post. Much of the workforce was female
and at that women of South Asian heritage who were ‘kept in their place’ by all
possible means of bullying and degrading working practices. When an
enterprising and educated worker called Jayaben Desai (originally from
Tanzania) talked about Union involvement attempts were made to dismiss anyone
who joined her. The epigram and the
theme for the whole exhibition was ‘We are Lions’ from her riposte to
“What you are running here is not a factory it
is a zoo. But in a zoo there are many types of animals. Some are monkeys who
dance on your fingertips, others are lions, who can bite your head off. We are
the lions Mr Manager. “

strike ran for two years and is immaculately documented with a detailed time
line on the floor and corresponding panels for each key stage of success and
defeat. It is seen as particularly significant in (trade union) history as,
like the strike at Dagenham, it involved low paid women and workers from an
ethnic minority. Their treatment at work was degrading – being followed to the
toilets etc. The strike also featured significant police involvement which seems
staggering when you look at these petite Asian women on the frontline – though
there were 550 arrests no strikers were involved in violence against the police
and it soured community/police relations for some time. The subsequent
government must have taken notes and used even more extreme tactics and in the
end legislation to curb unions. All these workers wanted was:
1) The right to belong to a union.
2) The right to have the union recognised.
3) The right not to be dismissed for joining a
special exhibition – and I have really compressed the amount of information on
display – made a stirring end to our visit to the Brent Archives and Museum so
we took one last look over the balcony where Brent worthies and celebrities have little
showcases (Twiggy anyone?) (Bob Marley passing through?) and made our way down and out.