10 Keats Grove
Hampstead NW3 2RR
Thursday September 2
This being firmly Autumn, and with Jo off blackberrying and
jam making, Linda went in search of a little poetry in possibly the leafiest
postcode. Two Overground trains delivered me to the very nearby Hampstead Heath
station from where it is only a short walk to Keats Grove – known as Wentworth
Place when he lived here and the
house, looking like one villa, was in fact subdivided.
(In the
photo I am talking about the white property
in the foreground only) The site has been managed by the City of London
corporation since 1998, having previously been in the hands of various smaller
trusts, but ‘saved for the nation’ since 1920.
The room where you finish the
tour is known as the Chester Room after Eliza Jane Chester, an actress and
protegée of the King’s (William IV) who
ran something of a salon here, and it
was she who joined the two units together and moved the staircase – its former
ghost still visible under the carpet! The room is now used for educational
sessions and there is a piano also – it is the room that looks somewhat like a
conservatory from the outside. A large magnetic board complete with an
extensive collection of words allows you to play the old fridge game of
'Magnetic Poetry'.
You can learn about John Keats’ brief life either by
watching the short film in the basement or by reading the information boards in
a succession of rooms which also display original artefacts and manuscripts.
The rooms are imaginatively displayed and there is plenty of ‘sitting space to
allow you to read or be read to whilst reclining on a series of chaises
longues. Each room has a theme – so John Keats’ Parlour for e.g. ‘Inspiration
& Creativity’
John Keats was born in London, close to Moorgate, the eldest
child of an ostler father and innkeeper mother, who obviously earned enough to
have their children educated – John went to school in Enfield with what was for
the time quite an enlightened regime of no beating but a reward scheme to encourage
learning. Sadly he lost both parents
before completing his education. He left
at 14 to be apprenticed to an apothecary /physician from where he went on to
medical school at Guy’s, in fact passing his (surgical) exams first time. He was all qualified to become a ‘dresser’ (see
our earlier blog on
'The Old Operating Theatre')
However the success of having his first poem published in
1816 made him abandon his studies and career path to concentrate on poetry. His
literary influences are explained clearly in one of the rooms – Shakespeare,
Milton and Spenser, and within his own circle he was close to Leigh Hunt and
certainly met both Shelley and Wordsworth. He lived with his two brothers
George and Tom. Tom unfortunately caught consumption (TB) which accounted for 1
in 3 deaths in London at the time – they moved out of London to Hampstead’s
Well Walk for ‘fresh air’ which for years was seen as the only cure of course it
Another room, the parlour of his friend Charles Brown
upstairs, sets out their circle of friends – who were generally seen as more
anti-establishment liberal in both political and religious leanings. The texts
remind you that the impact of the French Revolution and the move towards greater
democracy was another influence on this circle of friends, and their literary
Also part of the group was Charles W. Dilke, editor of the
poetry magazine and not to be confused with the politician and baronet. It was
this Dilke who was already living in one half of Wentworth Place in Hampstead,
and after John had nursed Tom until his death aged 19, Charles Brown (another
friend) invited the already published poet to share his half of Wentworth
House. They had two rooms each (Brown’s
were bigger and he probably subsidized his friend, whose income was always
limited) consisting of a parlour and bedroom apiece. They are more sparsely furnished than they
would have been at the time but with period furniture. The 17 or so months
Keats lived here were very productive, and with some ‘poetic licence’ were
charmingly depicted in Jane Campion’s film
Bright Star' which almost exactly covers this period.
When the Dilkes moved out, possibly for him to take-over an
editorship of Dickens’s, Mrs Brawne, a widow, moved in with her daughters and
Fanny Brawne and Keats began a friendship
later to be a romance.Fanny has her own room in the museum reflecting her
interests – she was skilled at needlework and dressmaking but also enjoyed
reading and seemingly held her own in conversation with Keats. They exchanged rings and her engagement ring
is exhibited alongside her collection of fashion plates.
Most poignant is the corridor
between the friends’ bedrooms . Keats
returned from London having, for financial reasons, chosen to ride outside the
coach and clearly chilled he woke up coughing and the first spot of blood
appeared. Keats called Brown to bring a candle and when he saw the blood he said
‘I Know the colour of that blood – it is arterial
blood; I cannot be deceived in that colour. That drop of blood is my death
warrant – I must die.’
Keats’ friends decided to pay
to take him to a warmer country and
Joseph Severn, artist rather than
writer, (one of the gang so to speak)
accompanied Keats on a rather fraught trip to Rome via Naples. Keats only had a
few months to benefit from Rome before his condition deteriorated and he died
in Severn’s arms – the last sketch very clear and personal. Keats is buried in
Rome, possibly with Fanny’s unopened letters. Twelve years later she married
and had three children and the other Fanny, John’s sister, was the only other
survivor. Several of Joseph’s works are round the house, along with
portraits of the other main players –Hampstead itself is also well depicted.
Meanwhile down in the basement ,
if you did not start your visit there, you will find the ‘standard issue’
National Trust period kitchen complete with decorative plates and fake food.
More typically the two bachelors were more interested in having a wine cellar
to fuel their muse. Brown and Keats fell out somewhat as Keats suspected his
house share of flirting with Fanny, but Charles obviously sought comfort
elsewhere, namely the servant girl Abigail O’Donaghue with whom he had a child.
At least two of the main players in this house’s history went onto a further
generation but though Keats died at 25 his work endured because he captured and
distilled so much of life’s meaning in a largely accessible way. To visit his
last home is to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of not just the
man but the man in his time, and his convictions and poetry and the heritage he
left us.