Morden Station to Ham (Duke’s Avenue)
Wednesday August 7th 2013
Morden Station was an easy start and we had given ourselves
plenty of time to catch the shy little K5 – a mere 23 seater (though with
plenty of disabled/buggy space) that hides behind other bigger routes parked
outside Morden Station. It also only runs once an hour so we were first in the
queue for the 10.45, though actually it was never more than half full. Sometimes the passengers and drivers on
these rarer routes greet each other as long lost friends but this did not seem
to be the case in leafy South West London.
Great chunks of this route were ‘Hail and Ride’ – almost
every time that we came off the mainer roads we criss-crossed residential
housing, often lacking in clear signage, so if we confuse our Raynes Park with
our Motspur Park please excuse us. There are few landmarks to interrupt the
very pleasant houses and gardens, so spotting the green flash of the Merton
Park Bowls Club was something of a diversion. This along with the neighbouring
John Innes Park and the surrounding area have quite an interesting history.
And yes it is the John Innes after whom the potting compost is named.
Back on the main road we are reminded that we are in
‘Nelson’ territory with the hospital named for him destined for a
makeover close to Wimbledon
Chase station, which has certainly seen better days. The Dundonald Church
seemed to be functioning in a former small factory building, and close by was a
clear demolition site – unusually there was no clue as to the plans for what
was going on behind the blue fences so perhaps this is where the ‘new’ Nelson
will spring up?
After a brief spell on the main road passing Raynes Park
Library we went along the, to us, misplaced /misnamed Bushey Road (the Bushey
we know is up in Hertfordshire) then crossed over Carter’s Bridge: a bit of
research has revealed that this bridge was named for the seed company –
Carter's Tested Seeds – which was here from 1911-1970. I suppose the clue is in
the names for local areas – Worcester, Raynes and Motspur PARK, all implying a
more rural and certainly horticultural heritage. I wonder if the Innes and
Carters ever got together??
Certainly not around in their day was
Shannon Corner, or not at least in
its present incarnation with several layers of road and a couple of huge
superstores, where of course we won more passengers. We had passed this way
some 3 years ago on the 131 route, but there may well have been some new
building since then.
As before we left the big roads and returned to another
block (literally 3 sides of a square) of Hail and Ride, this one through ‘West
Barnes’ which seems to be an alternative name for Raynes Park, as even we knew
we weren’t in the one adjacent to Putney. Unusually the bus route crosses the
same line of railway via a level crossing twice in quick succession.
Motspur Park, whose main landmark seemed to be the Earl
Beatty pub, really morphs into Old Malden and for a while we were back on the
K1 bus route. This stretch of the route
had once had large detached homes, which in their later years were now
residential homes for the elderly. Also along here a church with a fine large
scallop shell which is of course the logo, if you will, for St James of
Compostela. If it’s New Malden it must be the Fountain and sure enough we had
swift passage past the main landmarks, and did not of course take the more
obvious High Street/station route, but launched into another section of Hail
and Ride in order to get to Kingston via more residential roads – solo older
properties and bungalows this time.Kingston also thought this was a good area to teach children cycling road safety.

As Jo pointed out on the previous account, crossing Kingston
these K routes seem to favour the Norbiton, including the hospital, Kingston
Central then Surbiton exit to places further south. On the way into the
commercial heart of Kingston the bus goes along the London Road, nothing
unusual there except I feel the need to mention the enormous
'fatberg' that was
in the news recently as having been found and then broken down in the sewers below
here to prevent more above ground damage
London Road actually has comparatively little dense housing
and quite a lot of shops and offices so I was a bit surprised it should be the
perpetrator or progenitor of this anything but attractive lump of lard. However
as Jo pointed out even grease and muck are subject to gravity so this was
doubtless an accumulation of debris originating further up the various hills
that reach ground level hereabouts. Anyway no sign of sewage thank goodness. By now we had been underway an hour.
Kingston commerce behind us, we headed out of town, NOT via
Surbiton for once, but through some random streets that had clearly been there
before town planning was a glint in anyone’s eye.
Tucked away is the
Wych Elm pub, which seems as well known
locally for its plants as for its pints. Also intriguing was a large commanding
building dated 1875 called The Keep around which the bus drove a curve; on the
map it occupies quite a large area and it seems to have been once the home
base/barracks for the
Queen's Royal Surreys, a local regiment. There is a
history of complaints about the poor maintenance offered to the residents as
recently as 2008 but I could not establish if these properties were still with
the MoD, or had been privatised – a chunk of prime real estate in the Royal
Borough being something of a gold mine, I would have thought?

Talking of housing developments, we were about to enter and
circulate round and through the ‘Tudor’ estate, so called not just for the
pseudo Tudor beaming frequently applied but because the street names were all
straight out of ‘Wolf Hall’ and the most devious plotty era of Henry VIII’s
history – Cardinal Avenue, Wolsey Drive, Ann Boleyn Walk: disgraced and/or
beheaded they may have been but was it a worse fate to end up as Kingston
More recent history involves the once very busy aircraft
factory that was located on this bus route (Jo spotted a little plaque with a
plane on it – it looks quite modern she said ) with probably it most famous
product being the
Sopwiths various, as flown by the famous World War I flying ace Snoopy
Having strayed totally off the subject you won’t be
surprised to hear that after Kingston we pretty much had the bus to ourselves
and were certainly the only passengers descending at the final point in Duke’s
Avenue. It is in fact only just round the back of the amazingly selective Cassel
Hospital, but I will not bore you with details of that. This was a long and
complex journey taking in excess of 75 minutes.