Hounslow West Station to Hammersmith Station
Wednesday July 24th 2013
Our last route, the H32, had left us by Hounslow Bus garage
and we decided the easiest thing was to travel 2 stops from the ultra-modern
Hounslow East to the much more traditional-looking Hounslow West stations, and
wait on the forecourt. The wait was
short and up rolled a double decker, both cleaner and better upholstered than
our previous ride where I had sustained some fine bruises due to poor padding
(both me and the bus).

This was probably just as well as this route, to which we
came in ignorant bliss, turns out to be some kind of surrogate Piccadilly Line,
leaving us wondering whether they had perhaps introduced it as a bus
replacement service and it kind of stuck. Once we had cut down the quaintly
named Vicarage Farm Road, alongside most capacious parking for the station (do
folk use it and ride the last few stops to Heathrow we wondered?) we turned
right onto the 2x3 lane Great West A4 Road and continued in a straight fast
line to the end of the route. This means there is a certain sameness in our
photos – quite often taken only at the bus stops, and of the cycle lanes which
are thankfully well separated from the cars along here. Otherwise we would have
needed a video recorder such was the speed.
There were little bays at the bus stop and this was the only route for
much of this trip. We were grateful for the improved upholstery given the
speeds we reached. I imagine it must be very different in the morning, with the
number of cars heading into London.

For an excellent overview of road transport in particular we
hope you have all been watching
The Route Masters'. Last week (Tuesday 23 July)
the programme looked at cars, bicycles and buses as co road users, each group
thinking theirs is the only way while of course some of us use all three modes.
I note from the ever informative London Bus routes website
that the H91 is classed as a frequent service which changes during school
holiday times – I find this rather surprising as we did not seem to pass many
schools on our way.
By the time we arrived at Osterley there were quite a few
people boarding including a passenger
behind us who proceeded to sneeze loudly and copiously behind us prompting Jo
to mutter ‘coughs and sneezes spread diseases’.
From Osterley to Gillette Corner was familiar to us, having
walked it in bright sunshine last week, and we again passed the signs to
Osterley Park, the Crown Bowls club
– really one of the few breaks in the
rows of residential houses-
before being slowed by the junction
(where of course we had priority) close to the Master Robert pub. Thanks
to the comment on the blog last week we now know why a random pub in Osterley
has the name of 1924 Grand National winner, owned as it happens by Lord
Airlie. The inauspicious building looks
little altered.

Once past Gillette Tower, and here was a factory no longer
manufacturing, we entered a few miles of modern free-standing
designed-to-impress company HQs. Very little seemed to be about manufacturing –
there were two large car showrooms (mainly for European brands), then both Sky
and the History Channel (known since 2008 as ‘History’ but not doing quite what
it says on the tin) – though Carillion does seem to be a building company. On the whole we don’t link to advertising,
but JC Decaux don’t create the adverts though they do display them worldwide,
as the attached
video shows.The only unfamiliar name along here proved to be Morse (Code? Detective?) which the web tells me
offers 'Global consulting technology support services.' So I am not actually much the
The H91 crosses over the River Brent just where it joins the
Grand Union and then comes the biggie – namely Glaxo Smith Kline which has here
its impressive large canal-side HQ. On
the day we rode this service GSK was not quite in the headlines, which were
reserved for the naming of the Royal baby, but not far below GSK was linked in
connection to major allegations of bribery related to securing deals with the
Chinese equivalent of the NHS. The
last of this series of modern blocks before we disappeared under the M4 was
Mille, so called as its address is 1000 Great West Road – it proves to be
offices for hire.
By now we had well departed from the Piccadilly line at
Boston Manor and were heading into town in a more southerly and river-wards
direction. Before the Chiswick roundabout the A4 goes under the M4 in quite a
claustrophobic way – we used to return this way from the West Country and
someone had graffited ‘Good Morning Lemmings’ on 3 of the columns holding up
flyover. . now gone but not forgotten
However I have good news for the piece’s author as the
Glittering Lucozade bottle has been (re) revealed and Jo took a photo to prove
it, in today’s sunshine it looked really sparkly.
The last BIG consortium type office block before we hit the
intimacy of Chiswick High Street was EMC2 (without the equals sign so not
really an equation) who are another computing organisation, up there doing
We have covered this stretch before most notably on the
excellent 27. The pubs round here are
beautifully maintained either by Youngs or Fullers, and include the The
Gunnersbury and the Old Pack Horse (it looks a really old horse, said Jo) and
lastly the church on the Green, Giles Gilbert Scott’s creation, which was today
but this link does not really indicate for how long this might be.
A mark of this
summer’s good weather was that for once those ‘dry planted’ beds, much beloved
of office blocks looked perky and not bedraggled and we even passed an
oleander, which would not be ashamed to
show its face in the Mediterranean.
As might be expected from so straight a route we had been
whizzing along fairly speedily (for a bus that is) and our first real taste of
slowing traffic was in the last stretch through Ravenscourt Park and into
Hammersmith. For an outer London bus we had come pretty central so narrower
streets, more traffic, overhanging trees and old established school such as
Godolphin and Latymer came thick and fast.. Hammersmith’s double decker bus
station is a kind of traffic island and it always takes a while to cross the
stream of traffic but we finished on the top deck under an hour after we had
started this trip.
This was a very different experience from most of our
journeys along the letter routes – including the H ones – as they mostly serve
the quieter corners and far flung estates of a neighbourhood making little
darts across main routes: this is the total opposite and fast tracks along a
major arterial route perhaps even challenging the trains as a very viable
commute route.