St Vincent’s (Northwood Hills) to Ruislip Lido
Thursday June 13th 2013
Mid flaming June – not. While Jo basked (according to the
BBC weather maps at least) in seasonal Scottish sunshine I juggled in the gloom
with this rather eccentric route on my own. I have included a map: as you will
see, rather like the serpent which eats its own tail, the beginning and end of
this route are very and almost certainly walkably close to each other but rules
are rules so round the loops I went.
I eventually made it to Northwood Hills – a rather rural and
isolated station on the further reaches of one of the bits of the Metropolitan
Line – and walked up to St Vincent’s from there. TFL is a bit coy as to what St
Vincent’s actually is, hesitating between Hospital and Park?
This nursing home, for such it is, now catering for an ageing
population, started life in 1907 in Clapham Park (SW London) as a home for
‘crippled boys‘ from the streets of London – how very Dickensian that sounds.
In 1912 they re-located to an older property here and served as an orthopaedic
hospital until 2008, through two World Wars and the founding of the National
I knew it would be tempting fate to ride a Number 13 route
on the 13
th June but there you are.
I was walking along Norwich Road having left Northwood Hills Station
some 10-15 minutes earlier when I saw a clutch of people at the next bus stop
and I’m afraid I got on – the prospect of waiting another 20 minutes (on my own
on a not very nice day) did not fill me with joy so I went for a bus in the
hand, rather than rounding the corner and actually seeing St Vincent’s – I had
written the above paragraphs before leaving home, which is of course blatant
fate tempting and I was to be punished for it further down the line.
There were quite a few passengers boarding with me and for
most of the trip we had an assistance dog as I believe they are now called. The
dog was fine though the owner seemed a bit erratic and kept changing
places. Also dogs and shopping trolleys
do not mix in the narrow aisles that these buses have, but the driver was both
considerate and careful and waited for the many elderly passengers to settle in
their seats before setting off.
There are some quite interesting Art Deco type houses in Norwich
Road, this one called ‘Le Phare’, and Art Deco was to be something of a running
theme this trip. After we passed the Joel Street allotments we were soon back
at Northwood Hills Station, next to which is the ‘William Jolle’ who (the pub
being a Wetherspoons) the website is kind enough to tell me was a local
landowner – Jolle being a corruption of Joel, or possibly the other way round.
Doubtless a local jolly type.
After leaving the main 404 road the bus does a huge loop up
and down hill round the spacious and gracious homes of the aptly named
‘Northwood Hills.’ On a fine day the
views between the detached homes would be great. From my photos it is hard to
believe that they were taken at mid-day in mid June so poor is the colour
Potter Street is the main thoroughfare: for the most part
mainly between the wars building with some later bungalows, then more modest
smaller homes clearly built on old farmland – Mill Farm Close. There are still
some open spaces –
Hog's Back for one.
Before long we were back down closer to sea level and
following the 404 this time in the company of the H11, so again passing those
splendid Art Deco blocks that are the Elm Court gated (or arched) development.
By now most of the front seats were taken (older passengers
decline to sit at the back) but eventually a young couple (not yet actually a
couple?) got on and flirted most of the rest of the trip – needless to say they
had the back seat to themselves. The H13 pushes on through Pinner, which is
well served by multiple bus routes that struggle a little through the narrower,
more villagey bits. Better than the butcher’s rather clumsy name (see the H12) the
'New Leaf' bookshop is a much better stab at grabbing your attention and is of
course an independent bookshop.
Just past the Pinner Library is the Milmans Centre, for
which I have to give a plug; It’s a Harrow Council Older Persons Resource
Centre and the staff have always been very attentive to my mother on the one
day week she attends. Interestingly it
seems to be at the very border of the borough as soon there was sign telling us
we had entered Hillingdon.
Eastcote Village has a fine sign (which I failed to capture)
but I am also taken with the traditional white finger posts, which are still
quite frequent round here. I knew I
would not be the only person to like these and sure enough here is a specialist
website (it makes riding the buses seem positively pedestrian (huh) in
comparison) but I see the web’s author has not ventured into Greater London.

A number of students boarded at Eastcote trying hard not to
post-mortem the morning’s exams – never a good idea. Most of them stayed on past Ruislip Manor and onto Ruislip
itself, which as I discovered two weeks back is quite a bus hub, though for few
weeks the buses have been ousted from the station approach while earthworks
continue. I had rather assumed that everyone would get off at Ruislip and only
the hearty few (that’s me) would remain till the end of the line, which is The
Water’s Edge at Ruislip Lido. However the end destination is more popular than
I thought and we pressed on slowly along the very agreeable High Street and
somewhat faster past Ruislip’s more historic buildings – the rather charming
Duckhouse pub, and the Barn which is the borough’s
Heritage Centre, library,
wedding venue, theatre group etc
If you were ever in
doubt as to what a duck house actually looked like, when the rogue MP claimed
for his on expenses, this pub dating from 1640 has a very good depiction on its
pub sign.
Leaving Ruislip behind the H13 continues (at some speed it
must be said) over the River Pinn and along Bury Street until it takes a right
turn up the hill along Reservoir Road to the headstop at the Water’s Edge
watering hole with generous views of the Ruislip Lido.
The driver said it would be 20 minutes before he left which
gave me time for a stroll round the grey water (no longer suitable for
swimming) that was once a reservoir offering extra capacity for the Grand Union
Canal. I know the weather (grey gloom
in June not good) was partly to blame but it all seemed rather drab and lacking
in focus. I believe the original Art Deco buildings were burnt down some years
ago and while the beach has been renovated the ubiquitous swans and Canada
Geese did not tempt me to linger beyond my time. I expect some blue sky and
bobbing boats with coloured sails might have been a better enticement.

However when I returned to the bus there had been a change
of driver and clearly the new one was of the view there was something wrong
with the exit door, so he called it ‘out of service’. As this is a 20 minute
service anyway I did not relish another chilly wait so decided to walk back to
Ruislip, allowing me closer looks at the afore mentioned pubs and barns, and
was brisk enough to make it back before the next bus caught me up. The moral of
that is clearly had I waited at the beginning of the trip and not cheated by 1
bus stop I would have been spared at this end.
Nor was I tempted to stride off away from the lido’s edge, cross back
across Ruislip Common and arrive back at St Vincent’s rather more quickly than
the bus journey had taken.

PS Earlier this week I noted
from our faithful Stat Counter that we had 105 hits, 21% of the total, from the USA! London Buses seem like a rather esoteric taste, so I am puzzled as to why it is quite so popular with you guys - are you all homesick ex-pats? or are you those NSA eavesdroppers we've all been reading about recently?